You and Acupuncture
The great Chinese Medicine doctor Sun Si Miao said: If the heart has no worries, the body has no limits. It is not the external circumstances that determine your life. It is all in the way how you deal with it. Only if your inner balance is disturbed, external influence can affect you.
Announcement: Rotterdam Clinic has moved
This can show itself in physical and psychological complaints. Acupuncture assists in breaking the circle of disbalance. It involves Qi/Ki, meridians, acupoints and yes, needles. But the real center of this story remains you.
Acupuncture, the ultimate Body, Mind, Spirit medicine. No separation of body and mind. It stimulates your own power. It is not at all about my healing abilities. It is about yours.
Acupuncture and me
In acupuncture we find several styles and approaches. Personally I love classical styles; in approach, ideas and treatment. It can have modern insights and go along with time, but the core should be tracable to Chinese Medical Classics. Personal preference, I love tradition, authenticity, also in this modern age.
That is why I am strongly influenced by Japanese styles and Sensei like Toyohari and Shudo Denmei. The subtleness and really working with Qi or Ki like described in the Classics. The vision and approach by Charles Chace, expressed in presence, appreciatiing Qi without judgement and let things organize in stillness.
And of course I focus on the Shen; the spiritual, the psychology in Chinese Medicine. My mission should lead to the (re)discovery of your path. Wellness in every aspect.
Professional and Personal
Developing skills and knowledge never stops in the field of Acupuncture. I have had the privilege of attending seminars with Japanese Sensei in Europe, the US and Japan. Studied with teachers I admire here and abroad. And I will continue to do so. Because in the clinic, I simply want to offer the best treatment possible for clients to (re)gain optimal health.
Next to that, acupuncture is both my profession and my passion. Professional and personal growth are connected as treatment cannot be separated from the practitioner. As Shudo Denmei says it: “Your needle reflects what you are.”