What can be treated with acupuncture?
My areas of expertise/specialization in acupuncture are personal development/growth, trauma recovery, body-mind-spirit integration and prevention/recovery of stress and burn-out. But the range of health complaints that can be treated with acupuncture is very wide. This is a compiled list of ailments and diseases that benefit from acupuncture.
Clinical examples
Symptoms of stress
Back, neck and shoulder problems
Insomnia / trouble with sleeping
Depression, lack of motivation, anxiety
Headaches, migraine
Gynaecological problems like PMS, menstrual irregularities
IVF support
Chronic fatigue / tiredness
Digestive problems like diarrhea, constipation or IBS, lack of appetite
Muskulo-skeletal problems, pain, sports injuries, joint problems
Respiratory conditions, breathlessness
High blood pressure
Urinary problems, sexual dysfunction
General maintenance of health
This list is by no means exhaustive. If you have any questions about treatment possibilities please do not hestitate to contact the clinic. The clinic does not treat 'losing weight' or stop smoking with acupuncture.